I just wanted to take a moment to "checkin" with you and say "THANK YOU" once again for following my blog. I really appreciate it - more than you can ever know.
I work hard to keep up with the 'goings on' in the street lit game and to bring that information to you as fast as I can.
Admittedly, this summer has been very very busy for humankind, thus I, too, have not been able to write commentary like I usually do for this blog due to an overwhelming teaching schedule along with working on my dissertation research. If I had my druthers though, in terms of time and opportunity, I would have offered commentary on the following topics:
-- the ongoing, it's-starting-to-get-old street lit debate;
-- the critique of street art (e.g. graffiti) as an art form, and;
-- the power of the people in the streets to enact change all over the world (for good or for naught): like in Libya, Pakistan, Israel, the UK, and notably, flash mobs throughout the United States, including Philadelphia, Cleveland, and Chicago.
All of these topics are soaking in a bath of issues concerning literacy, class, race, and age-ism (against youth). I am sure you will agree that there is so much unrest amongst our youth across the globe right now that it demands serious attention. I believe that we need to be asking them why they are doing what they are doing, and what it is that they want. They are acting out, and we need to listen and learn. Admittedly I am not a policy maker, but as a citizen, I do see and observe, and realize that youth rise up when they are tired of not being heard.
I feel that I should explain why, during such a busy summer in the streets, my commentary has been quiet:
1. In terms of the street lit genre itself, I am happy to report that by-and-large, street lit seems to be getting more respect as a literary genre: publishing is steady, good stories continue to be published, and authors are working as hard as ever to promote their books. Therefore, I have been offering interviews and book reviews as a means to keep you up to date with the latest in the genre.
I do recognize that there will always be the nay-sayers and the critiques for the genre. I often wonder, when will intellectuals and educators become comfortable with the right for people to read and write what they want ...?
2. I have been thinking of ways to make this blog more interesting instead of my usual bull horn. :-)) So I've begun adding videos of related topics, as well as adding design elements to the site that feature popular posts (at the bottom of the main content) and my current reading titles (on right sidebar).
On my Facebook page for The Readers Guide to Street Literature, I list all blog posts there as well. Feel free to like that page, if you are on Facebook.
I have a few upcoming topics for posts. Please stay tuned for:
a) Short Stories and Street Lit
b) Street Lit and eBooks
b) Street Lit and eBooks
c) Science Fiction / Fantasy / Speculative Fiction and Street Lit
I have a few things that I am looking forward to with Street Lit:
a) Release of the documentary, Behind Those Books (2011), in Philadelphia (or did I miss it? I hope not!)
b) Release of my book, The Readers Advisory Guide to Street Literature, October 2011
c) The next street lit NYT Bestseller!
Also, the Street Lit Book Award Committee is alive and well, busy reading titles for consideration for the 2011 award, which will be announced Spring 2012. If you have read some great titles, comment below and let us know!
Thanks for listening, and thanks for being a part of this blog. If there is anything you'd like to see on this blog, connect with Vanessa:
Email: vanirvinmorris@gmail.com
Twitter: @vanirvinmorris
LinkedIn: vanirvinmorris
Website: www.vanirvinmorris.com
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