
Articles about and/or related to Street Literature (in publication date order):


Munshi, Neil. (13 November 2015). "Urban fiction: words on the street." Financial Times. http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/08785ece-86ee-11e5-9f8c-a8d619fa707c.html

(n.a.). (02 November 2015). "Black Professor Defends Street Literature." ThyBlackMan.com

Elz, Kai. (02 November 2015). "Wahida Clark Writes Best Sellers From Her Prison Cell." ChicagoDefender.com

Romain, Michael (06 October 2015). "'Street lit' has a following in Oak Park:
As the genre evolves, local readers explore its possibilities." OakPark.com. Available: http://www.oakpark.com/News/Articles/10-6-2015/'Street-lit'-has-a-following-in-Oak-Park/

Rosen, Jody (03 May 2015). "Ashley and JaQuavis Coleman: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang." Times Magazine: The New York Times. Available: http://tmagazine.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/05/03/ashley-jaquavis-coleman-profile/?_r=1

Dreisinger, Baz (30 August, 2014). "Hip-Hop in Print: Brooklyn Publisher Looks to 'Reverse Gentrify' Literature." NPR. Available: http://www.npr.org/2014/08/30/344046504/hip-hop-in-print-brooklyn-publisher-looks-to-reverse-gentrify-literature.

Cottenet, C. (2014, February 13). African American Street Lit’: old, new, or better (?) tricks? TransAtlantica - Revue D'etudes Americaines, American Studies Journal. https://transatlantica.revues.org/6456


Gaston, D.K. (21 June, 2013). "Black people do read: Urban fiction's impact on black literacy." Chronicles of Harriet. blogsite. Available: http://chroniclesofharriet.com/2013/06/21/black-people-do-read/

Kochman, Ben (09 December, 2013). "Hip hop prof pens street lit." The Bronx Times. Available: http://www.bxtimes.com/stories/2013/49/49_book_2013_12_05_bx.html.

Sweeney, Marlisse Silver (28 July, 2013). "I write street lit because that's the life I lived." Salon.com. Available: http://www.salon.com/2013/07/29/i_write_street_lit_because_thats_the_life_i_lived/

Lee, Felicia R. (31 May, 2013). "With imprints and tie-ins, street lit is gaining muscle." New York Times. Available: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/01/books/prodigys-hnic-street-lit-from-infamous-books.html


"Street Literature Comes to Hopeworks!" (2012, December). Available: http://www.hopeworks.org/?newsletter=street-literature-comes-to-hopeworks

"Urban Fiction authors could be big winners in new publishing era." (2012, August 1). Available: http://www.buzzfeed.com/annanorth/urban-fiction-authors-could-be-big-winners-in-new

"The Transformative Power of Urban Literature." (2012, May 25). by Becca Sorgert.  Available:

"Michael Cart takes a look at the world of hip hop lit." (2012, March 04). Podcast: http://www.infoblog.infopeople.org/2012/03/micahel-cart-takes-a-look-at-the-world-of-hip-hop-lit/

"What Street Lit teaches us" (2012, March 02) Milton Davis at: http://www.mvmediaatl.com/Wagadu/?p=330

"Urban literature: Is it beneficial reading?" (2012, February 8) by Briana Baker & Sherrod Tunstall via Webster University's The Journal at: http://websterjournal.com/2012/02/28/urban-literature-is-it-beneficial-reading/

"Censored: Freedom to Read" (2012, January 30) by McKayla Crouss via WHS Cyber Cat - Washington High School (Kansas City, KS) at: http://my.hsj.org/Schools/Newspaper/tabid/100/view/frontpage/articleid/494145/newspaperid/3905/Freedom_to_Read.aspx

" 'Urban Fiction' I Actually Like?" (2012, January 12) by Demetria Irwin via The Huffington Post at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/demetria-irwin/urban-fiction-real-wifeys_b_1197322.html 

"Writing the City" (2012, January 10) by Madison Smartt Bell via The Millions.com at:


"Consciousness-Raising or Eyebrow-Raising? Reading Urban Fiction with High School Students in Freirean Cultural Circles" (2011, Fall) via PennGSE: Perspectives on Urban Education by Amy Brown at: http://www.urbanedjournal.org/archive/volume-9-issue-1-fall-2011/consciousness-raising-or-eyebrow-raising-reading-urban-fiction-hi

"12 Popular Street Lit Authors to Know" (2011, 19 December) via BET.com at:

"Pulse Launches PulseBlaze, New Urban Fiction Imprint" (2011, 12 December) via PR.com at: http://www.pr.com/press-release/376244

"Where is the love in R&B music?" (2011, 03 December) via CNN.com by John Blake at: http://www.cnn.com/2011/12/02/showbiz/music/love-songs/index.html

"Rapper T.I. changes his life, one line at a time." (2011, 10 November) via MSN.com's Music News by Kathy Iandoli at: http://music.msn.com/music/article.aspx?news=682348&affid=100055

"Every day I'm hustlin': Urban Fiction e-books and audiobooks." (2011, 10 November) via Overdriveblogs.com by Melissa Work at: http://overdriveblogs.com/library/2011/11/10/every-day-im-hustlin-urban-fiction-ebooks-audiobooks/

"Street Lit: On the Real at the Library." (2011, 08 November) via Oak Leaves: A Chicago-Sun Times Publication by Susan McClelland at: http://oakpark.suntimes.com/lifestyles/8692036-423/street-lit-on-the-real-at-the-library.html

"Is 'urban fiction' defined by its subject - or the skin colour of its author?" (2011, 3 November) via The Guardian (UK) by Carleen Thomas-Bailey at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2011/nov/03/black-urban-fiction-american?fb=native&CMP=FBCNETTXT9038

"Ashley and JaQuavis: Literary Duo Hold Each Other Down On and Off Novel Pages." (September, 2011) Ebony Online article by Margena A. Christian at: http://www.ebony.com/Literature/Ashley_and_JaQuavis_Literary_Duo.aspx

"Flint Natives Find Success in Street Fiction Genre; Sign Book, Movie Deal with Cash Money Label." (September 01, 2011) Flint (MI) Journal article by Roberto Acosta at: http://www.mlive.com/news/flint/index.ssf/2011/09/flint_natives_find_success_in.html

"JaQuavis and Ashley Coleman Find Success Writing Street Lit." (August 25, 2011) Philadelphia Inquirer article by Karen Quinones Miller at: http://www.philly.com/philly/entertainment/20110825_JaQuavis_and_Ashley_Coleman_find_success_writing_Street_Lit.html

"Black History Lives On at Marcus Books." (August 15, 2011) by Holly McDede at: http://www.kalwnews.org/audio/2011/08/15/black-history-lives-marcus-books_1170325.html

"8 Urban Fiction Authors Who Overcame Prison and Forged Lucrative Careers" (July 30, 2011) Atlanta Post article by Evette Brown at: http://atlantapost.com/2011/07/30/8-urban-fiction-authors-who-overcame-prison-and-forged-lucrative-careers/8/

"Street Lit Debate: Does Urban Fiction Undermine the Black Canon?" (July 26, 2011) Atlanta Post article by Nana Ekua Brew-Hammond at: http://atlantapost.com/2011/07/26/street-lit-debate-does-urban-fiction-undermine-the-black-canon/

"Behind Those Books: A Closer Look at Urban Fiction" (May 20, 2011) Style & Vibes: For the Fly Caribbean Chic by Miss Mikelah at: http://www.styleandvibes.com/2011/05/behind-those-books-a-closer-look-at-urban-fiction/

"New Film Looks at Controversy Over Street Lit"  (May 09, 2011) Publishers Weekly article by Diane Patrick at:

"Birdman Talks Cash Money Content and Street-Lit" (March 15, 2011) BET.com by Kim Osorio at: http://www.bet.com/news/music/2011/03/15/birdman-talks-cash-money-content-and-upcoming-street-lit-books.html

"Author Terry McMillan: Some Urban Fiction 'Embarrassing' " (November 17, 2010)  via PopWife Musings.com at: http://popwife.com/2010/11/author-terry-mcmillan-some-urban-fiction-embarrassing/

"Why I Support Street Lit" (August 4, 2010) Atlanta Post article by Charna Ball at:  http://atlantapost.com/2010/08/04/why-i-support-street-lit/

"Sonia Sanchez on the State of Black Books" (July 27, 2010) by Nicole Moore at:

Street Lit Interview Podcast via On The Media (July 2010) at:
http://onthemedia.org/transcripts/2010/07/02/05 -- Journalist interviews authors, publicists, about urban fiction trend

"What's Hot in Street Literature" (July 2010) at: http://bit.ly/bsK9Ev -- Powerpoint lecture by Chicago Librarian, K.C. Boyd, via slideshare.net

"Black Writers in a Ghetto of the Publishing Industry's Making" (June 26, 2010) Washington Post article by Bernice McFadden at: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/06/25/AR2010062504125.html

"What Is Street Lit?" (April 2010) Podcast chat via BlogTalkRadio at: http://bit.ly/bLZiAF -- Chat audio featuring K'wan, street lit bloggers and street lit readers.

"Street Lit what is it? What effect does it have on teenagers?" (April 2010) at: http://bit.ly/aXaTsJ -- an article and interview from opensalon.com

"Reading Street Literature, Reading America's Prison System." (February 2010) at: http://bit.ly/j5Jljm -- a research article by Street Lit scholar, Kristina Graaff, from Center for Metropolitan Studies, Technical University of Berlin (Germany).

"What is Street Lit?" a blog interview with Vanessa Morris featured on YA author Zetta Elliott's blog site (January 25, 2010) at: http://zettaelliott.wordpress.com/2010/01/25/what-is-street-lit/

Latinos on Literature (2009) at: theurbanbooksource.com -- Taylor Nix interviews 4 Latino street lit authors, notably Black Artemis & Jeff Rivera

Pathfinder Repository: Urban Literature (2009) at: http://www.ipl.org/div/pfarch/entry/81721 -- a pathfinder archived with the Internet Public Library

"Nick Chiles: A Critical Look at Street Lit" (2009) by Taylor Nix at: http://theubs.com/interviews/nick-chiles.php

"The Method, Madness, and Marketing of Street Lit [Response Essay]" (July 29, 2009), by Latoya Peterson at: http://www.racialicious.com/2009/07/29/the-method-madness-and-marketing-of-street-lit-response-essay/

"The Never-Ending Beef & Fascination with Street Lit" (July 20, 2009) by Felicia Pride at: http://www.theroot.com/blogs/urban-fiction/never-ending-beef-fascination-street-lit

"Pulp Princess: Miasha's Journey from the Ghetto to the Bestsellers List" (June 17, 2009) by Bliss Broyard for Elle magazine at: http://www.elle.com/Pop-Culture/Movies-TV-Music-Books/Pulp-Princess

"Urban Fiction Makes Its Way From Streets to Libraries." (October 23, 2008) New York Times article by Anne Barnard at: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/23/nyregion/23fiction.html

"The New Wave of French Urban Fiction" (2008, September 12) at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/booksblog/2008/sep/12/1

Harvard University Press Blog: "Libraries Embrace Street Lit" (2008) at: http://bit.ly/bnaWPU -- A follow up response to the October 23, 2008  New York Times article on street lit

"Top 10 Street Lit Books of All-Time" (2008) at: http://theubs.com/articles/features/top10books.php -- an excellent title list of top street lit titles from various book club and book review sources.

"Urban Lit is DEAD!" by Joey Pinkney (2008) at: http://joeypinkney.com/urbanstreet-lit/urban-lit-is-dead.php

"An Urban 'Street Lit' Retirement" (2008, June 19) by Omar Tyree at: http://thedailyvoice.com/voice/2008/06/street-lit-000748.php


"Terry McMillan vs. Ghetto Lit" (2007, October 15) by Amy Alexander via The Nation.com at: http://www.thenation.com/article/terry-mcmillan-vs-ghetto-lit

"Terry McMillan is Mad as Heck Over Superhead Books" (2007, October 10) [original email text], available at: http://forum.blackhairmedia.com/terry-mcmillan-mad-as-heck-over-superhead-books_topic96026.html

"Top 10 Street Lit Authors" (2007) at: http://www.theurbanbooksource.com/articles/features/top10.php


"Hip Hop Fiction Beefs" by Seth Ferranti (2006, November) an Urban Book Source article at: http://theubs.com/articles/news/hiphopfictionbeefs.php

"Hustle and Grow" by Ta-Nehlisi Paul Coates (2006, October 9) Time magazine article at:

"Collection Development - 'Urban Fiction': Streetwise Urban Fiction" by David Wright (2006, July 15), a Library Journal  article at: http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA6349018.html

"Street Lit with Publishing Cred: From Prison to a Four-Book Deal" (2006, February 14), a New York Times article at:

"Their Eyes Were Reading Smut" by Nick Chiles (2006, January 4), a New York Times op/ed at:

StreetLiterature site *ON HIATUS*

Greetings, This site is *on hiatus* until further notice. There are reasons: 1/ Since street lit has become pretty mainstream in publicat...